Using Banana Peels as fertilizer

How to make Banana peels as fertillizer


Using Banana Peels as fertilizer:

Here is another tip that does wonders for your garden is free, good for  the environment and even great for your health as bananas are also good  for you!

First about the nutrients the bananas have that are good for your  and your families health:
Plus here is the bonus that  comes for free:

You can use the banana peels as  fertilizer for your garden (works great for roses but for any  other plant as well!) Bananas are rich in both phosphorus and potassium  which are important macro-nutrients plants need.

How to use the banana peels as  fertilizer? Well nothing easier then that, just cut the peels in slices  and mix them into the fresh soil and your plants will love it!

I have a separate little plastic box  in the refrigerator with a small plastic bag in it where I store the  banana peels until I use them , BTW I also store in there the egg peels  that are rich in calcium and mix the also into the soil with the banana  peels.

So its that easy! And even in the  winter time when the soil is still frozen I collect the banana peels and  just freeze them to use them in the spring and get my plants growing and  blooming in fantastic colors.
